Mentoring & Supervision


We need experienced attorneys who can be mentors.

As an experienced practitioner, you know the difference you have made in the lives of your clients and what it takes to litigate cases successfully. You have learned what makes the difference between a successful and a disappointing outcome for your clients.
Mentoring is a key component in support provided to new attorneys taking cases through the Pro Bono Project. To make attorneys comfortable taking cases in subject or procedural matters in which they have limited experience, the Pro Bono Project provides mentors to help the attorneys gain experience. Mentors are helpful in framing the issues, developing strategy or suggesting tips or techniques to help the attorney through a case.

Pass on the reward of the practice of law to our growing crop of young volunteer attorneys. Contact us today about becoming a mentor attorney.


The Project provides supervision in family law cases for those who feel that mentoring is not quite enough support. Supervisors will review paperwork, calendars, etc. to help the attorney learn the substantive area.

Our office volunteers are offered hands-on in-service training.

“Mentoring volunteer attorneys and certified law students is a great experience. The energy and commitment they put into every case inspires me as well.”

Julie Saffren, Pro Bono Project Mentor Attorney

“While I didn’t know at the time that I would ever apply to be on the bench, I believe my volunteer work helped to strengthen my application for appointment to the bench.”

The Hon. Erica Yew, Judge Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara

“I have had the opportunity of helping new attorneys with their first few appearances in Court. The biggest joy is to see their confidence grow as they gain the experience of the courtroom.”

Eleanor Donohue, Pro Bono Project Mentor Attorney